Jorge L. Bueno Alonso is senior lecturer at the Department of English, French and German, School of Philology and Translation Studies, University of Vigo (Spain). He lectures on Old and Middle English Literature and on Film Studies at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. His main research topics are focused on Medieval and Renaissance English Literature (OE poetry in translation, Shakespeare on Film) and on Film Studies, especially on the link between literary genres and film genres. He has published widely on these matters not only in scientific journals (BABEL John Benjamins, RCEI, RAEI, SELIM, Tolkien Studies...) but also in monographic volumes on philological and cultural studies. His four published books cover these issues too: El discurso poético elegíaco del Inglés Antiguo (2001), La épica de la Inglaterra anglosajona: Historia y textos del auge de Mercia al declive de la monarquía (750-1016) (2007), Judith: Texto, Estudio y Traducion (2012, with Laura Torrado Mariñas), by Servizo de Publicacións, Universidade de Vigo and Literatura Inglesa Medieval y Renacentista: Guía temática y bibliográfica (2005, Septem Ediciones). He also edited the collection Tolkien in the 21st Century. Reading, Reception, and Reinterpretation (Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle, 2022). His translations of Beowulf (Rinoceronte Press: Vigo, 2010), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Rinoceronte Press: Vigo, 2014) and The Complete Riddles from the Exeter Book (Rinoceronte Press: Vigo, 2021) into Galician received the 2010, 2014 & 2021 AEDEAN Best Translation of the Year Award, granted by the Spanish Association for English and American Studies. He has been invited to deliver plenary lectures and talks by the Universities of Oviedo, Pompeu Fabra at Barcelona, Jaume I at Castellón, and by the Center of Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the University of La Laguna. He was Editor-in-Chief of Selim: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature from 2016 to 2021.
Full CV at https://portalcientifico.uvigo.gal/investigadores/277645/detalle