Modelling the linguistic architecture of English


The English Linguistics Circle (ELC) research network and the research group Language Variation and Textual Categorisation (LVTC) are pleased to announce the celebration of the International Conference 'Modelling the linguistic architecture of English: theories and methods' in Vigo on 24-25 May 2018. The ELC network was established in 2006 under the coordination of Prof Teresa Fanego and comprises five research teams based at the Universities of Santiago de Compostela and Vigo. This conference is intended as a discussion forum which will bring together senior and junior scholars and researchers from different countries for the purpose of presenting new strategies and methodologies applicable to the theoretical and empirical description of language(s), with a focus on English. Four plenary lecturers will be delivered by Prof Paul Baker (Lancaster University), Prof Stephanie Hackert (Universität München), Prof Gerold Schneider (Universität Zürich / TU Dortmund) and Prof Jennifer Smith (University of Glasgow). Programme and registration details will be available soon on the website