On 18-19 October 2013 we will host the International Conference Englishes Today: Theoretical and Methodological Issues, with the following plenary speakers: Christian Mair (Freiburg), Stephanie Hackert (Munich), Marianne Hundt (Zurich) and Edgar Schneider (Regensburg). This conference brings together different approaches to the expansion of English around the world and its development into distinctive first, second and foreign language varieties, which have been subject to different classifications and models of analysis (e.g. Kachru 1986, McArthur 1998 and Schneider 2007). The papers in this conference deal with the globalization of English in itself and with the origin, development and status of the different varieties of English, often seen as a testing ground for various frameworks and research traditions, among them typological linguistics, second language acquisition, contact linguistics and sociolinguistics.
The registration is now open: the fee is 130 euros and it covers the conference package, all lunches and the excursion to Baiona and conference dinner (at Parador de Baiona) to take place on 19 October in . In http://webs.uvigo.es/englishes2013/index.html you will find the list of accepted papers as well as information regarding the city, travelling arrangements and accommodation. Please do no hesitate to contact us at englishes2013@uvigo.es