Elizaveta Smirnova graduated from the Perm State Pedagogical University (Perm, Russia) in 2005 with specialisation in Foreign Languages. She holds a Candidate of Sciences degree (2013) with the Perm State University. For her thesis entitled "Functioning of verbs with incorporated actants" she studied the usage of verbs with adherently and inherently expressed actants (arguments) in English (supervisor: Prof. Svetlana Shustova, Perm State University).

Currently, she is working as Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department at the HSE University (Perm, Russia) and is developing her PhD project under the supervision of Prof. Javier Pèrez-Guerra (University of Vigo). The dissertation investigates features of academic texts with the methods associated with corpus linguistics and discourse analysis. 

Website: https://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/6002134/

ORCID: 0000-0001-9307-6773

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