We are delighted to announce that Nuria Yáñez-Bouza has been elected as a new member of the ICAME Executive Board, where she will serve for a period of four years (opting to renewal for another four years). ICAME is the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, an international organisation of linguists and information scientists working with English machine-readable texts. Nuria's membership has been recommended in particular for her active involvement in the compilation of a number of historical corpora and databases such as ARCHER (which she coordinates since 2008, with David Denison), The Mary Hamilton Papers (c1750-c1820, 2013-), APU (A Corpus of Schoolchildren’s Writings, 2016), the Eighteenth-Century English Grammars Database (ECEG, 2010), and Eighteenth-Century English Phonology Database (ECEP, 2015). Nuria has also been a regular participant in the ICAME conferences and she is a member of the Advisory Board of the ICAME Journal, an annual publication with research on English corpora.