LVTC up-and-coming junior researchers in action!


On 30 May 2017 the University of A Coruña hosted the IDAES Graduate Day 2017 as part of the training programme for the Inter-university Doctoral programme in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture, which is run by the universities of A Coruña, Santiago de Compostela and Vigo. Four of our junior LVTC members presented their ongoing research with great enthusiasm and communicative skills!

Sara Albán Barcia and Celia Veiga Pérez, both supervised by Nuria Yáñez Bouza, summarised their PhD theses projects, which they recently embarked on. Sara's work lies in the field of historical dialectology, in particular "Language variation in Late Middle English manuscripts: The case study of Richard Rolle of Hampole and Pricke of Conscience". Celia's study focuses on present-day English and SLA: "The role of year-abroad studies in Second Language Acquisition: the development of oral skills in Spanish students of English".

Raquel Pereira Romasanta and Laura García Castro, both supervised by Elena Seoane, presented their data findings for the project VIEW. Raquel's talk discussed "Morphosyntactic variation in contemporary American and British English: The sentential complementation profile of emotion verbs", and Laura's paper examined "Determinants of grammatical variation in World Englishes: Remember as a case in point".

The four presentations were very well received, raising interest in the audience and receiving helpful suggestions. Well done!

We thank the presenters and the audience at the event for a very enjoyable day.